
New Build in Spain

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New Build in Spain

If you do not know where the best place to go to a real estate agency in Spain may be, we tell you: new build in Spain. We are a real estate agency with great experience in the sale of new construction properties on the Costa Blanca - Alicante: Ciudad Quesada, Daya Vieja, Guardamar del Segura, La Marina, Los Alcazares, Orihuela Costa, Pilar de la Horadada, San Miguel de Salinas and Torrevieja.

As you can see, it is the most tourist areas of the province of Alicante. Here you can not only enjoy a quality home, but also a quality city. Getting the property right is a very complex task. Our real estate agents offer you the best new housing and the best area. In this way, the combination will be the most fruitful for your health and well-being.

We are new build in Spain, we are your real estate agents in Costa Blanca

If something is characterized New build in Spain, in addition to offering modern and quality properties, is to offer a personalized service. In our real estate we are aware of the importance of maintaining a good relationship with the customer and that this, feel at all times comfortable and comfortable.

From the first moment in which the client contacts our real estate agency, our professionals will be concerned to reach the end of the sales process with the same initial enthusiasm. For this, we will make a detailed study of the needs and requests of the client. Later, we will offer you the best new housing.

With our newly built properties in Spain, you will be able to know the qualities of the Mediterranean climate, its beaches, its people, its leisure ... We will advise you at all times so that you have a happy adaptation.

It does not matter if you are a foreign client because we have served many people who come from outside the country and now, feel like a citizen more. If you want to enjoy a good retirement or a long period of rest in Costa Blanca, come to New Build in Spain.

Contact New Build in Spain and discover the home of your dreams

Get in touch with New Build in Spain now and enjoy your newly built property on the Costa Blanca Alicante. If you want to discover how you can increase the quality of your life, call us at (0034) 670 873 859 or send us an e-mail to enquiries@newbuildinspain.com

Our customer service hours are:

Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am -1: 00pm

Do not hesitate to consult any question you need to be answered before beginning the purchase process. Our real estate agents will answer all the questions happily and superbly. If you are looking for a new, modern, warm and spacious home, get in touch with us.

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  • From 09:30AM to 17:30 / Monday - Friday
  • From 10AM to 13:30 / Saturday & Sunday
  • (Spanish time)

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